Poker is a popular and lucrative pastime and, in the last decade or so we have seen the arrival of its online version. Both live and online poker require a different skills as, although you may be effectively playing the same game, you will need to make a number of adjustments if you hope to successfully switch between the two. You should also follow latest poker news and updates online on sites to know about upcoming live and online tournaments. With this in mind, here is a quick lowdown of the three main differences to be aware of when switching between live and online poker.
Online poker has a faster pace
The online game is much faster than its live counterpart. This means that you can typically see up to eighty hands per hour during an online poker game and just twenty five per hour during a live casino game. This means that in the online world you can win more quickly, but at the same time you can also lose a lot of money if you are not careful and tilt too late. When playing online poker it is vital that you learn how to control your emotions and do not act on impulse. You will be able to then make a profit by exploiting players who tend to tilt often. It is important that you are able to recognise when you are playing poorly and therefore are able to tilt at the right moment in order to limit your losses.
Live tells do not work online
It is a fair assumption to make that reading players in a game of online poker is not always easy. This being said, it can be done but just in a very different manner to that in a live game. In live poker you are able to read and observe your opponent’s body language whilst online you will need to pay attention to his or her betting patterns. You will be able to observe your opponent’s reaction time and bet sizing as online players tend to be fairly predictable. By playing tactically and by intelligently observing your opponent you will be able to successfully adjust your play.
Online poker is more aggressive
The online game has become more and more aggressive in recent years but you should not let this put you off from playing. Online players are often more serious and consider online poker in a more business-like manner. A skilful online player is likely to isolate weaker players by raising and stealing blinds when possible. In order to adjust to the style of play, you will be required to develop your online poker strategy and play a less passive game in order to make a healthy profit and avoid making those “new to online poker losses”. You should always remember to avoid flat calling a raise and limping a hand that you wish to play if you hope to succeed.
By taking these top tips into consideration you will find yourselves making a relatively smooth transition when you switch from live to online poker.